As dogs age, changes in health are natural. Nonetheless, seeing your senior dog lose weight can be worrying. Today, our Gardena vets provide tips on managing weight loss in older dogs and when to see a vet.

Why Your Senior Dog May Be Losing Weight

Weight loss in senior dogs can occur gradually causing only subtle changes as time goes by, however, in other dogs, weight may drop suddenly. No matter the pace of your senior pup's weight loss, it's important to pin down why it's occurring. 

A old dog losing weight and muscle mass can be an indication of an underlying health issue—and sometimes, this problem can be serious.

If you notice that your senior dog is losing weight it's time to book an examination. Catching health problems early is key to managing conditions and slowing the progression of disease, helping to ensure that your older dog maintains the best quality of life possible in their golden years.

Causes of Weight Loss in Older Dogs

Some dogs gain weight as they enter their senior years (age six to eight for larger dogs and eight to ten for smaller dogs), but most start to lose weight and muscle mass as they age. 

It's not unusual for even healthy senior dogs to gradually lose weight as they age. Gradual weight loss in older dogs can be caused by:

  • Reduced appetite 
  • Poor absorption or digestion of food 
  • Declining muscle mass

Sudden weight loss in your older dog, despite the above symptoms naturally occurring, could indicate a serious health condition. Common reasons for sudden weight loss in older dogs include:

  • Dehydration
  • Dental issues
  • Hip arthritis or lower back pain
  • Gallbladder or liver disease 
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease 
  • Cancer

If your senior dog appears to be losing weight, contact us to request a physical exam

If the weight loss is sudden, especially with the above symptoms, seeing your veterinarian as soon as possible is vital to rule out potential disease or illness. Your veterinarian can provide treatments for age-related conditions and recommend diet and lifestyle changes to help boost your aging dog's health and vitality.

Why Your Old Dog May Lose Weight if They're Still Eating

If your old dog is losing weight but eating, the cause may be related to:

  • Changes in diet - either the brand of food your senior dog is eating or its ingredients (i.e., sometimes kibble companies will change their recipe and the number of calories per serving) 
  • Liver disease
  • Digestion disorders that disrupt the body's ability to break food down into nutrients 
  • Malabsorption disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Diseases such as diabetes, which can cause loss of weight and muscle mass

When to Be Concerned About an Old Dog Losing Weight

While there's no need to assume the worst, most veterinarians will tell you that if your dog has lost 10% or more of its normal body weight, it's time to book a thorough medical examination. If your dog has lost a noticeable amount of weight in the past year or less a full physical checkup is called for.

At the appointment, be sure to let your vet know if you have noticed any of the following:

  • Changes in behavior or character
  • Signs of stress or excessive whining, pacing, or panting 
  • Constipation or a distended belly
  • Lethargy, confusion, or depression
  • Complete loss of appetite
  • Dry heaving, vomiting, or diarrhea

What to Feed an Old Dog That is Losing Weight

Older dogs require a diet packed with calories, so they won't need to eat as much or as frequently to reach their caloric requirements. Animals with normally functioning kidneys will need high-quality, easily digestible protein. As a dog transitions from early senior to geriatric, adding high-quality fats to the diet can help improve protein efficiency and increase calorie content while maintaining moderate fat content.

Picky eaters may be more inclined to eat high-caloric meals. Dense substances like fiber can help alleviate constipation issues for aging dogs and keep them feeling fuller while consuming fewer calories. However, geriatric dogs will often need lower amounts of fiber, more easily digestible food, and higher calorie density.

Speak to your vet to determine the best food and right number of calories to meet your senior dog's needs.

If your old dog is losing weight and muscle mass, your vet may run blood tests and a urinalysis to check whether your dog has diabetes. Other symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst and urination, increased appetite, cloudy eyes, and chronic or recurring urinary infections. If your vet confirms a diabetes diagnosis, treatment will include a specialized diet and insulin shots.

Reasons for Old Dog Losing Weight Even Though They're Eating

If your old dog is losing weight but eating, it might be due to several underlying issues:

  • Conditions that affect the digestive system can prevent proper absorption of nutrients.
  • Age-related changes in metabolism can affect how efficiently your dog’s body uses food.
  • Some older dogs may require more calories due to increased energy expenditure from conditions like hyperthyroidism.

Importance of Routine Pet Care

Understanding your dog's current health status and new or ongoing medical conditions, as well as any changes to their behavior or physicality, will help inform your vet about potential causes for their weight loss or muscle mass decline.

It is beneficial to schedule twice-yearly senior pet exams with your veterinarian so that they can establish baselines for your pet's typical health and behavior. This can be useful if they aren't feeling well or if their health status changes as they get older.

Your vet can advise you about how often they recommend coming in for a checkup and may recommend increasing the frequency of visits as your dog ages. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Have you noticed significant weight changes in your elderly dog? Contact our Gardena vets today to book a wellness exam for your aging pup.